It was a bit of a hectic day though as we were supposed to meet the rest of the family for coffee in Leichhardt, but due to the rain we went back to my Aunt's house for lunch. Better for me as I was able to bake a cake before we went, as the time got pushed back.......well I told myself I had time. Half an hour isn't that late, and I still had to take the half baked cake to finish off in my Aunt's oven.
The cake I made was a take on a fantastic banana bread recipe I had. Yes I only had two bananas, and no sour cream, but instead I added yogurt, chunks of ricotta and roasted walnuts through it. The reason I think it took a long time to bake was that I added bicarb soda to the yogurt and ricotta mixture and it fluffed up tremendously. This affected the cake whilst baking as it rose a lot and was very light and fluffy but just would not bake in the centre. It did turn out lovely and everyone dug in, but I think cooking it at a lower temperature for longer (and being patient) would have been the way to go.
After we had enjoyed lunch and dessert tragedy struck when my Yiayia, who is 86, fell and broke her wrist. Straight to hospital she went and she was put in a cast. I came home while my Mum and her sister were at the hospital, to prepare dinner. I really wanted to make Mum the lamb shanks I made a couple of weeks ago with the cous cous salad, but slightly alter the salad a bit to compliment the meat.
See lamb recipe
As pomegranate's are going out of season and aren't very good at the moment, I decided to do a Moroccan style cous cous salad which was simply chopped dates, roasted almonds, olive oil, and lemon juice. It was a nice and fresh salad which could be enjoyed by itself, but was the perfect sponge to soak up the juices from the lamb.
One last thing I wanted to try, since I had quite a few garlic bulbs, was roasted garlic. So I put 2 bulbs in a ramekin drizzled with olive oil and roasted them in an oven at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes. After 10 I placed alfoil over the top so they would not burn. They turned out sticky and caramelized with a texture that makes it hard to not get them stuck in our teeth or at the top of our mouth. They were devoured by all of us and it was the one thing my Dad actually said he really enjoyed from the meal......well at least that is one tick.
Although we were all a bit preoccupied taking care of my Yiayia, we all sat down at the table together and enjoyed a meal, which is something we haven't done in a long time, and I'm sure Mum would have appreciated that.
Happy Mothers Day
I wrote this post also to share with the viewers of Kopiaste, written by an amazing and passionate foodie, Ivy. I am constantly on her site looking up other ways of preparing traditional Cypriot recipes, which I know my family and especially my Mum would love.
I hope you all like the post.
Sorry to hear about Giagia. I hope it was not too serious and she will recover soon. The dinner you prepared sounds delicious and your mom must be really proud of you.
Thanks Ivy,
I've just been going through my old site and realised I never responded to some comments. How terrible of me.
Hope you are well and cooking up a storm as always : )
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