Last night I had some time to set up some nice photos of a banana bread I made, but as I am fasting, it is vegan. No eggs, no milk and no other animal products.
I was going to make my normal, incredibly indulgent banana bread.......well cake, but I realised I did not have any sour cream, a critical ingredient in my recipe, and since I couldn't be bothered to go to the store, I decided to scrap that idea and make something that did not require sour cream, or in the end, dairy. I also wanted to cook for my friend Sylvia who is also fasting as she just moved into her new house, as a home welcoming present.
Although it is a bit denser than normal banana bread (also since I did not have any soy milk in the house), it is still very nice and enjoyable, especially with the nut crust on top.
Vegan Banana Bread
3 cups plain flour
3 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
pinch salt
4 ripe bananas
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla essence
2tsp vegetable oil
2 tbsp water
2 tsps baking powder
1 tbsp vegetable oil
2 cups almonds
1 cup almonds
1 cup brown sugar
drizzle of honey
1. Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt in a bowl.
2. In a seperate bowl mash the bananas and add the brown sugar, honey, vanilla and oil and mix together.
3. In a seperate cup mix together the water, baking powder and oil until foamy, then add to dry mix and stir through.
4. Add the banana mixture to the dry mixture and combine.
5. In an oven or under the grill, roast the almonds until nice and browned and then leave to cool. Once cool crush slightly in a mortar and pestle then add to banana mixture and stir through.
6. Pour mixture into two loaf tins and then make nut crust by mixing together crushed raw almonds and the brown sugar. Sprinkle the mixture over evenly over the top of the mixture and then bake in a 180 degrees pre-heated oven for 45 mins, or until just cooked through.

7. Leave to cool once cooked and then slice and serve with butter. (The bread needs to cool slightly otherwise it will just crumble when you try to cut through the be patient)
Trish, your banana bread sounds delicious. I've been making a lot of vegan cakes, cookies, cupcakes etc. lately, as I am fasting all through Lent, so allow me to make a suggestion. Next time add either 1 Tbsp vinegar or lemon or orange juice. That will make the baking soda react and your cake will be much fluffier.
The nut crust on top looks great, I'm definitely going to incorporate that into my banana bread next time. Thanks!
Thanks Ivy, I will definitely try that this week as I'll do a similar one with dates and walnuts.
Yes the nut crust is liked tremendously by my family so I try to add it to all of my fruit and nut breads.
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